Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sibling rivalies

There isn't much to update except that Avery is crawling now.  She began to the day of her ninth month.  She's also expanding her vocabulary adding "mama", "uh-ho", and "hi" (waves included).
Generally, she is a happy baby but a major homebody.  She loves her crib and doesn't like to miss the action when we go over to friend's homes so she basically misses her nap or goes to bed later.
The crawling has brought up new challenges as she tends to go straight for Leila or Leila's stuff.  As you can see Leila gets quite cozy w/ Avery's stuff as well.  We've been working with both as Avery is quick to poke Leila in the eye or grab her fur.  Conversely, Leila is protective of her rawhide and has barked at Avery.  Puppy woppin' followed that!
This has been a process and as we all know Leila is a fantastic dog but has to learn to avoid Avery because for a little while longer she can understand more than our Bug.  I don't worry about her biting Avery but we don't need to set up a situation that would provoke it either.  Lei is already "getting it" as I make her drop her bone and let Avery pick it up.  Then I take it from Avery and give it back to Leila. I really should just get rid of the bone and we wouldn't have a problem!
Babies everywhere!  Caleb and Avery enjoying some floor time as we meet for our weekly home group on Wednesdays.  Below, Katie's proactive approach to containing Avery.
Our next trip is to Blaine at the end of February.  We will keep you updated!